well hello. my name is katherine and i have no idea what i want to do with my life. i am a failed mechanical engineering student, then economics (but then realized i really hate calculus), then political science (then realized i missed the tech world), so now i am back in the school of engineering with computer information systems and a minor in business management. with that being said i am a people person. people are cool and i like figuring them out psychologically and socially. one of the best ways to get inside of a person's head and really figure out what they are like is through music. what a person listens to is a gateway to their brain and how they think or even what they do in their daily lives. for instance, ignorant rap could be for someone that wants to not think deeply when they listen to music and instead listen to a guy screaming about how he can't keep his dick in his pants, alternatively, alternative music could be for someone that, while they enjoy the mix between pop and rock music of the new generation, they enjoy looking deeper into the way a song is made and what the artists intentions for it are. the main genre of music i will be focusing on, though, is classic rock. of course classic rock rubs well with people who were either raised in that generation or people who appreciate what the generation held (in my opinion it held the promise of a new technological era). i am going to flip those, however, and portray some known classic rock artists into artists to get high too. as previously mentioned, i enjoy getting into people's heads- lets see how you can handle tripping out to these rock gods.